Have you ever thought about how we sometimes feel we must be all things to all people? It is true. Even if you feel that you aren’t doing it, there are times when we act differently in front of friends than we do in front of those we live and work with. I know that I have worked very hard to make sure that I am authentic in all areas of my life. When I think of living unveiled, I think of being unafraid to be my true self. Not being intimidated by my own lack or shortcomings. To be myself means that I can rest assured in my identity because I know who I am.

 Letting the Past Hurts Go to Be Free Today

When you are willing to let go of the residue of past pains, you create an opportunity for God to do more in your life. You are allowing yourself to encounter God as our Creator, in a deeper more meaningful way.

I have found this principle at work in my own life. Let me explain. When I was growing up, I was exposed to situations that created a unique challenge that sometimes would cause me to become stagnant, or cause me to retreat into my own world of judgment. These areas would hinder me from being my authentic self because, I felt people saw me through the same lense of shame, guilt, worry, etc.

As I entered a loving relationship with my savior, I slowly began to realize that over time, I could lift the veil of shame, guilt, self-hatred, and pain, which allowed me to enter into a full relationship with my Creator. Lifting this veil, helped me to see clearly. Each time I would remove a veil that clouded my vision, no matter what it was, I came into a fuller, more genuine relationship with God as my Father.

Just imagine trying to look through a thick veil to see where you are going. It is not easy unless someone is guiding you. I think of how when a bride is walking down the aisle, her face is covered with a veil, and she is guided by her father or the person she has elected to present her to her groom. This is the same case when we are standing before our heavenly Father. If we are veiled, we cannot see His face clearly. We will always see Him through distortions such as shame, guilt, etc. I have also noticed, in my own life, that the veils that concealed my authentic self were the ones that keep me bound to the past.

Unveiled and Free

This statement means a lot to me as I am currently coming into an understanding of what it means to live unveiled and free. I know that I am living unveiled because I can respond, instead of react, to certain situations.

An example is when someone who feels ashamed or while they share their life with people. This person could be seeing themselves through a veil that would cause them to see themselves as unworthy of relationships and friendships.

The veils that we wear will keep us from seeing ourselves as loved and adored because we will see ourselves as unworthy each time. This realization has caused me to think about how attached I have become to the veils that have been used to hide my identity.

Our True Selves

I have thought about how wonderful it would be to be able to walk in my authentic and true self. This requires me to understand the sacrifice that was paid for me and my freedom. I have to consciously decide to partner with the God of hope in order to move forward. This means that I have to grow comfortable in my own skin as I allow myself to remove the veil that covers my identity. This will allow me to be myself with those that I know well, and with those I am just getting to know.

I want to be one hundred percent real with everyone that I meet, and especially with myself. For that to be possible I will need to take chances and let the “chips fall where they may”. Does this mean that I act any old kind of way, or that I am rude or obnoxious? Absolutely not! On the contrary! I will be kind just as my true and authentic self is on a regular basis.

                              Finally Unveiled

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror

The glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same

From glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit- 2 Corinthians 3:18 NASB

As I make my journey through my second year at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM), I am understanding what it means to be free and unveiled. I don’t make decisions based on hurts or pains from the past. I want to see the face of God in those situations, therefore, I allow myself time to reflect and sit with the emotions that are surfacing. This is the process of allowing the hooks from the past and the hooks that would keep me bound here on earth to let go. I really believe that this is the time for me to live an unveiled life. A life full of beauty and passion. A life of fullness while being my authentic self. The self that desires the fullness of God.

                          Going Forward

It is my prayer that you live your life unveiled. That you walk unobstructed and free. That nothing from your past holds you back, ever. That you can turn towards your Creator unashamed. I would love to hear how you can identify what the various veils (if any) are in your life, and how you can live your life free!